miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Resultado de imagen de speaking
Actividad para realizar en grupos de tres y practicar los adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. 
Paris is the capital of France, located on the River Seine, in the north of the country. Paris has a population of 9.93 million people in its urban area, which occupies 1,200 square kilometres. In fact, almost 20% of the country´s population live within the metropolitan area of Paris. The city is the main economic centre of the country too.  
Over 30 million foreign tourists visit Paris every year. The city has lots of interesting places to visit, such as Notre Dame cathedral, the Louvre museum and lots of nice outdoor cafés where you can have delicious croissants and coffee. 
It is a very old city. The Romans founded it and called it Lutetia. But at the end of the Roman empire, in the 5th century, the city was renamed Paris. 
Paris has a mild weather. The average lowest temperature is –2ºC (minus 2 degrees Celsius) in January and the highest average temperature is 24º C in the months of July and August. It can rain at any time in the year. The city´s average yearly precipitation is 641.6 mm. 
1.      Ask these questions and talk  about Beijing and Stockholm
How big is it?  

 How old is it?  

How populated is it?  

Beijing is the capital of the People´s Republic of China and is located the north of the country. It is a very old city, founded over 2,000 years ago. It has 8.5 million inhabitants in its urban area and it is China's second largest city in terms of population, after Shanghai. It is also one of the largest cities in the world. It has an area of 1,377 square kilometres.  
The capital of China has a humid continental climate influenced by the monsoon. The lowest average temperature is –7ºC (minus 7 degrees Celsius) in January, while the highest average temperature is 26ºC and occurs in July. Summer is the rainy season and the annual precipitation is over 600 mm.   
1. Ask these questions and talk about Paris and Stockholm.  
How big is it?  

 How old is it?  

How populated is it?  

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, located by the lake Mälaren on the east coast of the country. It is a beautiful city with a very important port. The city´s population is approximately 1.2 million and it has an area of 375.25 square kilometres.  
Stockholm has lots of museums, open spaces and palaces. Probably the most important cultural event of Stockholm is the annual ceremony of the Nobel Awards. These are awarded by the Nobel Foundation, created in 1900.  
The city dates from the 13th century but it did not become the capital of the country until the 16th century.  
Winters in Stockholm are quite cold, with temperatures as low as –7ºC (minus 7 degrees Celsius). However, summers are much warmer. The highest temperature in July is 25ºC. The annual precipitation is 539 mm.    
1. Ask these questions ann talk about Paris and Beijing.  
How big is it?  

 How old is it?  

How populated is it?  

Resultado de imagen para my favorite things


1.      Vocabulario
·         Want: querer
·         Smartphone: teléfono inteligente
·         Husband: esposo
·         Improve: mejorar
·         Single father: padre soltero
2.       Ejercicio: Resuelve el siguiente ejercicio de lectura fácil con base en el siguiente texto.
My favorite things
Hello, I am Ross from Glasgow and I want to tell you about my two favorite things.
My car is my second favorite on my list of favorite things. I am a single father and I have 4 small children. Because of that, I need a mode of transportation to take my children to school, to the movies, or to visit their mother and her new husband in a city near Glasgow.
First place on my list is my phone; what I mean is, my smartphone. I use it all day. In the morning I use it as an alarm to wake up; then I listen to music on the bus when I go to work; in the afternoon I send messages to my friends and my girlfriend on Facebook or WhatsApp. Right now I am studying French and I use some of the apps on my phone to improve my French.
1.      What is the text about?
(  ) It’s about the importance of cars and electro
(  ) It’s about Ross, his wife and his family
(  )  It’s about a men who talks abour his favorite things
2.      How many children does Ross have?
(  ) forth
(  ) four
(  ) fuor
3.      How much time does Ross probably use his smartphone every day?
(  ) Less than 30 minutes
(  ) From 1 to 2 hours
(  ) More than 2 hours
4.      Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
(  ) Ross is From
(  ) Ross doesn’t  have children
(  ) Ross uses his cell phone to learn a language
5.      Ross uses his cell phone to:
(  ) Study Fench, listen to music and send messages
(  ) Wake up, talk to his mother and study French
(  ) Send messages to his friends, study French and wacth movies

Resultado de imagen para daily routines
LISTENING.  Daily routines
1.     Vocabulario: Las siguientes palabras te ayudarán a entender mejor la conversación.
Wake up: despertarse
Have lunch: almorzar
Hold on!: ¡espera!
To be in a hurry: estar apurado, ir de prisa
Have: Regularmente significa tener, pero también puede significar “beber” o “comer”
Beer: cerveza
Would you like?: ¿te gustaría…?
Sound: sonido o sonar
Great: bien: estupendo
2.      Ahora, por favor, observa el siguiente video que contiene un diálogo entre dos hablantes nativos sobre sus rutinas en inglés. Después de observar el video, contesta las siguientes preguntas sobre la conversación. Recuerda que puedes detener, retroceder o adelantar el video cuando lo necesites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q674hxyc1Jk
Based on the video, answer the following question:
3.      Question
1.      What time does the woman wake up?
(  ) 9.00 p.m.
(  ) 8.00 a.m.
(  ) 8.00 p.m.
2.      What does the woman do before going to work?
(  ) She takes a shower
(  )  She has breakfast
3.      What does she do at 1 p.m.?
(  ) She  has lunch with her boyfriend
(  )  She  has lunch with her friends
(  )  She  has lunch with her mother
4.      Does she have breakfast?
(  )  Yes, She does
(  )  No, She does not
5.      Does the man have breakfast every day?
(  )  Yes, He does
(  )  No, He does not
6.      What does she do after work on Saturdays?
(  ) She goes to a bar
(  ) She goes  home with her friends
7.      Is the man going to go to the bar with the woman next Saturday?
(  )  Yes, He is
(  )  No, He isn’t

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Como usar ‘’too, not enough, too many y too much’’


Como usar ‘’too, not enough, too many y too much’’
Para comenzar esta lección se muestra en la siguiente tabla el significado de estas palabras, la gramática que se sigue con cada uno de ellas y los usos que se les puede dar en inglés:

Tabla resumen de “too / not enough” y “too many / too much”:

Recordemos que los sustantivos contables son aquellos que se pueden contabilizar por unidad (manzanas, plumas, libros) mientras que en los no contables es imposible hacer esto (azúcar, tiempo, música).
A continuación una serie de ejemplos con oraciones afirmativas, negativas y preguntas en distintos tiempos, las cuales se presentan en el orden de aparición del cuadro anteriormente presentado.


1.1.- It's too hot today.
(Está muy caliente hoy)

1.2.- He drives too fast.
(El maneja muy rápido)

1.3.- The red dress was too expensive.
(El vestido rojo estaba muy caro)

1.4.- I worked too hard to get results.
(Trabajé muy duro para obtener resultados)

Not enough

2.1.- There is not enough food for everyone.
(No hay suficiente comida para todos)

2.2.- She doesn't have enough money to buy the tablet.
(Ella no tiene suficiente dinero para comprar la tableta)

2.3.- Jimmy was not old enough for that game.
(Jimmy no era lo suficientemente grande para ese juego)

2.4.- We didn't have enough time to go shopping.
(Nosotros no tuvimos suficiente tiempo para ir de compras)

Too much

3.1.- There's too much noise coming from that house.
(Hay mucho ruido viniendo de esa casa)

3.2.- My sister spends too much money buying online.
(Mi hermana gasta mucho dinero comprando en línea)

3.3.- Howard downloaded too much music to his MP3 player.
(Howard descargó mucha música a su reproductor de MP3)

Too many

4.1.- There are too many people in the bank.
(Hay muchas personas en el banco)

4.2.- John has too many credit cards.
(Juan tiene muchas tarjetas de crédito)

4.3.- There were too many apples in the fridge.
(Había muchas manzanas en el refrigerador)


1.- Write  in the blanks too, too much, too many.  Escribe en los huecos too, too much, too many.
- The baby is drinking __________ water.
- Summer in the South of Spain is ________ hot.
- I have  done __________ exercises.
- This is a very rich woman, she has got ___________ houses.
- I'm going to bed right now, I'm _________ tired.
- You mustn't say that this job is _______ easy.
- There are _________ cars here.

2.- Rewrite each sentence using the adverb "enough". Escribe de nuevo cada frase utilizando el adverbio "enough".
- It isn't hot to go to the swimming-pool.>
- You are intelligent to pass the exam. >
- Your friend Lucy is beautiful to be a model. >
- I don't have paper to write a long letter. >
- Please, buy milk for all of us. >
- She hasn't got money to buy a new house. >
- You don't speak loud so I can't hear you.
3. Mark the correct answers and underline in bold according to the gramar. Marque las respuestas correctas y subraye en negritas según la gramática:

- I need a bigger hard drive, there is too much / not enough space available for my videos.

- I like my new pet, it is too / too much cute.

- The public internet is slow because there are too / too many people connected.

- This will be a busy weekend. I have too much / too many homework to do.

4. Do sentences using the too, too much, too many